A. Subject, Verb, Complement,
Modifier (Definition)
Definition Of Subject
The subject of a sentence or clause
is the part of the sentence or clause about which something is
being said. It is usually the doer of the action. It is
a noun or a pronoun. All of the subjects on this page are
The location of the subject in English is normally located
before the verb (verb). In the words of the command (imperative / command), you
are considered as the subject says. Subject may be in the form of the word.
Example :
1. I am watching movie.
=> “I” is the subject of the sentence, controlling the
verb and the complement.
2. You study english in my room.
=> "You" is the subject of the sentence,
controlling the verb and the complement.
3. I go to campus by a
4. She is my mother.
5. It makes me happy.
Underlined word in the sentence above (I, You, She, It) is
the subject. The subject tell us that is the person who doing something like
watch, study, go, and much more.
Definition Of Verb
Verbs are a class of words used
to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be),
possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb
shows what something or someone does. The verb follows the subject, it
generally shows the action of the sentence, example :
1. We met our old friends yesterday in hospital.
=> word “met” is verb of the sentence, It tells us that
the subject "we" that is the person who performs the action of the
verb is "met our old friends” and the complement is adverb of place and
2. I and my friends go to library to find
reference of skripsi.
=> In this sentence have 2 verbs, that is “go” and “find”
with subject “I and my friends” and the complement.
3. He is training his dog for competition.
4. He likes everything of movie.
5. You are doing homework when class started.
Underlined word in the sentence above (met, go, find,
training, like, doing) is the verb. The verb is describes something that is
being worked. Verbs can be affected by person and number to show agreement with
the subject.
Definition Of Complement
Complement a word or group of words that completes the
meaning of the subject, verb, or object. Thus, there are three kinds of
complement, namely: subject, verb, and object complement. A complement is the
part of a Sentence that comes after the Verb and is needed to make the sentence
Example :
1. My father drives a motorcycle everyday.
=> In this sentence “everyday” is complement. It is
complement form adverb of time.
2. Cat caught a mouse yesterday in my room.
=> In this sentence “yesterday in my room” is complement.
It is complement form adverb of time and place.
3. She wathced movie last night.
4. I need pen for writing.
5. I bought a new jearsey real madrid yesterday.
Underlined word in the sentence above (met, go, find,
training, like, doing) is the verb. The verb is describes something that is
being worked. Verbs can be affected by person and number to show agreement with
the subject.
Definition Of Modifier
Modifier a word, phrase, or clause that functions as an
adjective or adverb that describes another word or group of words.
Propositional modifier is a phrase or sentence that can be said to be started
by the next word and terminated by a noun.
Example :
1. My Brother go to school everyday.
=> In this sentence have modifier of time “everyday”,
because it’s show the time.
2. I put a book on the table.
=> In this sentence have modifier of place, because it’s
show the place of book.
3. My Parents have been married about 25 years.
4. That is so beautiful.
5. I am listening music of classic.
The modifier normally follows the
complement, but not always. However, the modifier, especially when it's a
prepositional phrase, usually can't separate the verb and the complement.
Definition Of Pronoun :
A pronoun is used in place of a noun or nouns. Common
pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we.
Example :
Adit is a smart. He studies a lot. He is making champion for
competition. Finally he make be famous.
In the above paragraph, pronoun “he” is used instead of noun
“Adit”. If we do not use pronoun in above paragraph, we will have to use the
noun “Adit” again and again in each sentence. So, the purpose of pronoun is to
avoid the repetition of a noun.
Examples. He, she, it, they, you, I, we, who, him, her,
them, me, us, whom, his, its, their, your, mine, our and whose, myself, himself,
herself , yourself, which, this, that these, those, are the
pronouns which are mostly used.
Types Of Pronoun
Personal Pronoun
Personal pronoun describes a particular person or thing or
group.Personal pronoun describes the person speaking (I, me, we, us), the
person spoken to (you), or the person or thing spoken about (he, she, it, they,
him, her, them).
Example :
He locks the door.
The pronoun “he” in above sentence describes a person who lock
the door.
Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun indicates close possession or ownership or
relationship of a thing/person to another thing/person.
e.g. yours, mine, his, hers, ours, theirs, hers,
Example :
That house is mine.
The pronoun “mine” describes the relationship between house
and a person (me) who possesses that house or who is the owner of that house.
Reflexive pronoun
Reflexive pronoun describes noun when subject’s action
affects the subject itself.
e.g himself, yourself, herself, ourselves, themselves,
itself are reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns always act as objects not subjects, and
they require an interaction between the subject and an object.
Example :
1. I believe in myself.
2. Just take care yourself.
Underlined word in the sentence above describes refers back to “I” for “myself” and “you”
for “yourself”.
Reciprocal Pronouns
Reciprocal Pronouns are used when each of two or more
subjects reciprocate to the other.
Reciprocal pronouns are used when two subjects act in same
way towards each other, or, more subjects act in same way to one another.
For example, A loves B and B love A. we can say that A
and B loves each other.
There are two reciprocal pronouns
Each other
One another.
1. Me and My friend are talking
to each other.
2. The students borrow pen to one
3. The people called one
another in office.
Underlined word in the sentence above explain to someone.
Relative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun describes a noun which is mentioned before
and more information is to be given about it.
Relative pronoun is a pronoun which joins relative clauses
and relative sentences.
For example, It is the person, who helped her.
In this sentence the word “who” is a relative pronoun which
refers to the noun (the person) which is already mentioned in beginning of
sentence (It is the person) and more information (he helped her) is given after
using a relative pronoun (who) for the noun (the person).
Similarly, in above sentence the pronoun “who” joins two
clauses which are “it is the person” and “who helped her”.
Example :
1. It is the boy who got
champion in collage.
2. Adjective is a word that
modifies noun.
3. The man whom I met
yesterday is a nice guy.
Underlined word in the sentence above describe to someone
talked about.
Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that points to a thing or
e.g. this, that, these, those, none, neither
These pronouns point to thing or things in short
distance/time or long distance/time.
Short distance or time: This, these.
Long distance or time: That, those.
Demonstrative pronouns “this and that” are used for singular
thing while “these or those” are used for plural things.
Example :
1. This is my cat.
2. That is very
3. Can you pick these?
Underlined word in the sentence above explain to something.